Companion Plants for Oregano | Good and The bad

Companion planting for oregano is an observation made over many years. People have noticed that growing certain plants together helps them. This increases the quality and quantity of the harvest. Companion planting is not a fixed rule. It is just one thing you can do for your plants. You can also get care tips from the individual plant article. Here are the plants that are good and bad companions for oregano.

Companion plants for oregano Enemy plants of oregano
Common sage

Why does companion planting work?

The reasons companion planting is effective are multiple and interrelated:

  • Some plants have natural chemicals or smells that keep pests away. This helps other nearby plants without needing chemical pesticides. This creates a more balanced ecosystem.
  • Certain plants can attract helpful insects. Ladybugs, hoverflies, and predatory wasps are some of these beneficial insects. They feed on common pests in the garden. This provides natural pest control and keeps the ecosystem balanced.
  • Different plants have varying root structures and nutrient needs. Companion planting can improve soil health. It can reduce soil erosion, stop weeds, and help plants get more nutrients. For example, plants like beans and peas add nitrogen to the soil. This helps other plants that need nitrogen to grow.
  • Companion planting can help reduce competition. It uses plants with different growth patterns and root structures. This helps them share resources like water, sunlight, and nutrients better.
  • Planting a variety of plant species together can increase biodiversity in your garden. This can make the ecosystem stronger. A diverse ecosystem is better able to handle pests, diseases, and environmental problems compared to a single type of plant.

What are the companion plants for oregano?

Some plants can help your oregano grow better. These plants can keep pests away from your oregano plants. They can also provide more nutrients to the soil, which your oregano can use. That’s why we suggest planting these plants next to your oregano.

Companion Plant for Oregano


Thyme grows well in sandy or loamy soil. The soil should have a pH level between 6.0 and 8.0. Thyme needs full sunlight and moderate moisture to grow its flavorful leaves and stay compact. Thyme also helps other plants in the garden. It keeps away pests and attracts helpful insects. This adds to the overall diversity in the garden.

Companion Plant for Oregano


Rosemary thrives in well-drained, sandy soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. Full sun and moderate moisture help its aromatic leaves and strong growth. Rosemary also benefits nearby plants. It keeps pests away, attracts helpful insects, and increases overall garden diversity.

Companion Plant for Oregano

Common sage

Common Sage can grow in different types of soil. It does best in well-drained, sandy or loamy soil. Sunlight and some water help it grow strong and have a nice smell. Common Sage also helps other plants in the garden. It keeps pests away, brings in helpful insects, and adds flavor to the garden.

Companion Plant for Oregano


Basil is more than just a herb. It has aromatic leaves and many uses in cooking. Basil also has benefits for the garden. It provides fragrance and helps other plants grow. Basil is an important part of companion gardening practices.

oregano companion plants


Cucumbers can grow in different soil types. They do best in soil with good drainage and compost. This soil helps them grow well. Cucumbers need regular water and sunlight. This helps the vines and fruit grow strong. Cucumbers also help nearby plants. They provide shade, keep soil moist, and attract helpful insects.

oregano companion plants


Strawberries grow best in soil that is not too heavy or too light, with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5. They need lots of sunlight and regular watering to grow healthy fruits and leaves. Strawberries also help other plants by bringing in pollinators and blocking weeds with their thick foliage.

oregano companion plants


Asparagus is a popular vegetable. It has tender spears and is very nutritious. Asparagus is great for companion gardening. It needs well-drained, sandy soil and lots of sun. Asparagus does best in places with cold winters and warm summers.

oregano companion plants


Lavender can grow in different soils. It thrives best in well-drained, alkaline soil with a pH between 6.5 and 7.5. Lavender needs full sun and good air flow to grow its delicate flowers and fragrant leaves. Lavender helps other plants around it. It keeps pests away and attracts bees and butterflies. Lavender also promotes a relaxing, peaceful feeling in the garden.

oregano companion plants


Cabbage can grow in many soil types. It thrives in well-drained soil with compost. The soil can be slightly acidic or neutral. Cabbage needs enough water and sunlight to grow well. It has lush leaves. Cabbage is part of the Brassicaceae family, like kale and Brussels sprouts. Cabbage shows the versatility and beauty found in the garden.

For more information on companion planting, check out our article on Blackberry Companion Plants

What should you not plant next to oregano?

Planting certain plants next to oregano can harm its growth. These “enemy” plants can attract harmful insects. They can also change the taste of your oregano and use up all the nutrients and water. For these reasons, we do not recommend growing the plants listed below near your oregano.

oregano companion plants


Watermelons do well in many soil types. They grow best in well-drained, fertile soil with a pH between 6.0 and 6.8. Plenty of sunlight and space help their vines spread out and produce juicy fruit. Watermelons also benefit nearby plants. Their vines shade the soil, conserve moisture, and enrich the soil as they decompose.

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